
Marketing auditing

Exactly like an external financial auditor,

Our team at Flex It Marketing will run the numbers on every touchpoint of your brand, from digital marketing to out of home advertising.

Reach out to our Auditors through the contact form

Understand the marketing audit
Marketing audit


 Why do you need a marketing audit?


Numbers don’t lie, and every one of your marketing dollars counts. 

The marketing audit is designed to help you take a step back and get a comprehensive overview of your marketing efforts. It will highlight where your brand excels and pinpoint areas needing improvement.

The audit provides actionable recommendations to enhance your business’s performance. It also offers guidance on potential channels for assistance through our partners, each specialising in different areas of marketing.


We leave no stone unturned. The marketing audit will cover all aspects of marketing.

From traditional marketing, mainstream marketing, and influencer marketing to affiliate marketing. The marketing audit will cover every component of your marketing efforts.

We Work With Experts

No agency can claim expertise in every aspect of marketing.

If an agency professes to know everything about marketing, they are likely overlooking something critical. 

Our comprehensive marketing audit is developed in collaboration with our partners, who are other marketing experts

that bring expertise in various marketing specialisations to the table.

Who is this for?

Business owners for small, medium, and large businesses across various industries who wants to better understand their industry and marketing efforts.

A brand that wants a clear direction of where their brand is heading

and where they should pull focus on.

Let’s get started

If you are interested kickstarting a marketing audit for your brand

Connect with our marketing auditors to get started!